One word substitution

Show Important Question

21) Choose the correct meaning of the word from the alternatives given below :

A) A grand tour
B) A specific category
C) A chauffeur
D) A long List

22) A man with an irrationally fixed idea is called ————
A) An eccentric
B) A maniac
C) A manikin
D) A phobic

23) A man in the charge of farming and nurturing animals is called ————.
A) A ploughman
B) A farmer
C) Afirm-manager
D) A husbands man

24) The specialist who handles problems in the human body related to bones is a / an
A) Orthodontist
B) Osteopath
C) podiatrist
D) Oncologist

25) A manicurist takes care of
A) foot
B) ear
C) nails
D) mind

26) A gourmet loves ———.
A) Fashion
B) Action
C) Food
D) Films

27) To make use of marks like commas or full stops is to
A) Deviate
B) Vary
C) Regulate
D) Punctuate

28) When the author gives a name which is not his real one the book is said to be written under a
A) Fiction
B) Falsehood
C) Pseudonym
D) Mistake

29) To conduct talks with a party with the aim of setting an issue is to
A) Negotiate
B) Confer
C) Consult
D) Advise

30) A child who has lost both his parents is known as.
A) Unlucky
B) A foundling
C) An orphan
D) A street-child

31) A dwelling in which soldiers live.
A) Camp
B) Barracks
C) Tents
D) Cottage

32) A seller of cakes
A) Baker
B) Salesman
C) Cake-seller
D) Confectioner

33) The waves that tumble on to the beach are called.
A) Tumblers
B) Breakers
C) Currents
D) Roarers

34) The man who passed himself off as another was finaly caught by the alert young detective.
A) Wrong-doer
B) Cheat
C) Impostor
D) Traitor

35) The people of the country rebelled against the oppressive and cruel ruler.
A) Director
B) Tyrant
C) Demagogue
D) Emperor

36) My friend was apt to act suddenly without thinking.
A) Courageously
B) Excitedly
C) Thoughtlessly
D) Impulsively

37) Part of the examination should be conducted by word of mouth.
A) Orally
B) Intelligently
C) Confidentially
D) Literally

38) A piece of writing done by hand is called a ----------- .
A) Script
B) Copy
C) Manuscript
D) Essay

39) When an animal sleeps through the winter it is--------- .
A) Ruminating
B) Hibernating
C) Gravitating
D) Radiating

40) A collection of assorted poems or other writings is known
A) A case book
B) An Anthology
C) A Journal
D) Reviews